Carbon Capture through Regenerative Farming

Crimper Roll or Hoe, say no to tillage

In our opinion the benefits of no-till farming are numerous and far outnumber those of tillage-based systems. No-till practices allow the soil structure to stay intact and protect the soil by leaving crop residue on the soil surface. It also Improves our soil structures and increases the soil’s ability to absorb water, this in turn reduces both soil erosion and runoff.

No-till practices are proven to slow evaporation, meaning better absorption of rainwater, ultimately leading to higher yields, something that is especially useful during hot and dry weather like that seen in 2020.

We currently use a Horsch Transformer VF, which allows. Us to hoe between the crop lines with great accuracy and means that we rarely have to use pesticides or any other nasties.

Later this year roller trials, this is a process of flattening the cover crops with a front roller and then drilling the seed at the same time. Not something we have tried before but always keen to push our understanding and find ways of further enriching our soils.


Controlled Traffic Farming

Our Other Blogs

We are always keen too share what works well for us.
Cover crops make 100% sense to us, a field with something growing even weeds is enriching the soil and capturing carbon, a brown ploughed field is doing no good to anything.
Since studying agriculture at college the only way I was ever going to farm had to be in a regenerative fashion, this documentary is spreading the virtues far and wide.